Partnership Institutions
The three Partner institutions are located within a five-mile radius of each other within Metropolitan Nashville/Davidson County, Tennessee, sharing complementary interests and strengths. Each Partner institution offers the others collaborative access to facilities, resources, expertise, and special populations.
Meharry Medical College (MMC)
- Access to minority patients for cancer disparities research
- Training opportunities for minority students and early stage investigators
- Infrastructure and space for the MMC components of the Biostatistics and Bioinformatics and Translational Pathology Shared Resource Cores
- Access to the only Biochemistry and Cancer Biology PhD training program in any Historically Black College and University in the US
Vanderbilt-Ingram Cancer Center (VICC)
- Membership and access to VICC-supported Shared Resources for MVTCP faculty as well as other resources such as the Vanderbilt Institute for Clinical and Translational Research (VICTR)
- Full access to Vanderbilt graduate courses for MMC and TSU students
- Infrastructure and space for Vanderbilt components of the Biostatistics and Bioinformatics Core and Translational Pathology Core
- Senior cancer researchers involved in mentorship of trainees, faculty career development activities and cancer disparities research collaborations
Tennessee State University (TSU)
- Experience and expertise in reaching minority populations through culturally appropriate and sensitive interventions and population-based research
- Training opportunities for minority students and career development support for junior faculty
- Infrastructure and space for the Community Outreach Core
- Division of Research and Sponsored Programs services in pre- and post-award support, mentorship and information technology