Category: Announcements

Second-year Meharry Student Wins Third Place for CEnR Breast Cancer Study

Cristen Flewellen, a second-year Meharry medical student, was awarded Third Place in the Community Research category at the 67th Annual Meharry Student Research Day for her work with the Breast cancer Risk Assessment- achieVing Equity (BRAVE) study funded through the Meharry Vanderbilt Tennessee State Cancer Partnership (MVTCP). The BRAVE study PIs are  Lucy Spalluto, MD

MVTCP Leadership attended PACHE 2023 meeting in Rockville, MD

The meeting theme: “Building on a Solid Foundation to Strategically Strengthen and Enhance PACHE.” The gathering brought together PACHE (U54/P20) investigators, Program Managers, and NCI/CRCHD staff to discuss progress made by the program as well as topics that are important for the continued growth of PACHE. Photo of MVTCP Leadership: C. Whitted(MVA), L. Stewart(MMC), A.